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Nisargadatta Maharaj

"Il n'est ni nécessaire ni possible de changer les autres. Si vous changez vous-même, vous réaliserez qu'il n'y a aucun besoin d'autre changement . Changer l'image change tout simplement le film. Vous n'attaquez pas l'écran de cinéma ..."
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The Collective Evolution II et III: The Human Experience | OFFICIAL RELEASE 2011 Empty The Collective Evolution II et III: The Human Experience | OFFICIAL RELEASE 2011

Message par Aloha Mar 27 Juin - 17:57:57

Merci à Laurent Freeman  pour ces videos I love you
Like a Star @ heaven  Like a Star @ heaven  Like a Star @ heaven  Like a Star @ heaven  Like a Star @ heaven

sous titres français
Ajoutée le 19 sept. 2011
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RELEASED Sept 30th 2011
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The Collective Evolution 2: The Human Experience is a documentary focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego. The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet. It's intention is to further provide the viewer with the tools and understanding it needs to step out of current limitations and instead experience the infinite potentiality we are all capable of.

Ajoutée le 28 févr. 2014This is the third installment from the series The Collective Evolution in which the authors claim that there's a rebellious fluctuation stirring every aspect of our planet. The people are waking up, they're in the streets, they're educating themselves, and they're demanding change. It seems the days of the quiet citizen are becoming numbered as more and more grow tired of our current ways. In 2011, Time magazine gave person of the year to the "protester."
As they stated in the cover story themselves, "massive and effective street protest" was a global oxymoron until -- suddenly, shockingly -- starting exactly year ago, it became the defining trope of our times. And the protester once again became a maker of history.

Since the year 2000, millions protested in over 100 countries around the world for reasons ranging from economy to 9/11 truth. In some cases peaceful protests even led to overthrowing of governments in power. To name some of the notable protests, in 2010 and 2011 over 600,000 protested in Greece against new austerity measures. The Greek people were unhappy with unemployment and the state of the economy and decided to take their displeasure to the streets.

In 2011 the occupy movement sprung up, bringing out hundreds of thousands from more than 95 countries raising awareness of the wealth inequality, political corruption, and corporate influence over government. Also in 2011 over six million marched in Spain due to political and financial unrest. This was a month long protest.

Continuing the trend in 2011 the Egyptians revolted against election fraud and other socioeconomic factors. Millions took to the streets and effectively overthrew their government. In 2013 the Egyptians were at it again, this time protesting over economic and security issues. They once again successfully overthrew their government to bring about change.

2013 also saw a huge uprising in Turkey were protesters demanded the protection of Taksim Gezi Park and hoped to raise awareness about police brutality, freedom of speech and to push their government to resign. 2013 was also home to the march against Monsanto. It featured over 2 million people from 52 countries.

These are just some of the unprecedented amount of protests that have taken place in the last few years. This isn't to say that the protesting is the answer to the world issues but we're seeing clear signs of people getting fed up with how things are. The general populations is standing up for themselves and demanding change.

Messages : 1827
Date d'inscription : 09/08/2014
Localisation : Paris

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